Monday, July 4, 2011

Deepak Chopra: Weekly Health Tip: Prostate Cancer ? To Screen Or Not

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Brought to you by Deepak Chopra, MD, Alexander Tsiaras, and

Chances are great that you or someone you know has had experience with prostate cancer. One in 6 men are diagnosed with the illness every year. But here?s the great news: Only a in 36 men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer dies from it. When cancer forms in the prostate, it frequently grows really slowly, and the person ends up failing of other disease. Still, in its assertive form, prostate cancer is major business: It kills 30,000 men any year in the U.S. and is the second many familiar result in of cancer demise amid men (after lung cancer) (1). No skepticism you have listened about the discuss surrounding screening for prostate cancer. What improved time than Men?s Health Week to pick up about the problems with screening and find out how you can lower your risks of getting prostate cancer.

A Challenge to Diagnose

The prostate is a walnut-sized gland found in men that helps create semen. As many men obtain older, the prostate becomes enlarged. This can result in urinary problems, but it has nothing to do with cancer. Sometimes, though, tumors rise in the prostate. Often they blossom so bit by bit that they never need treatment. But a few tumors may be deadly and the are the ones that doctors target to detect.

The stream assessment used to shade for prostate cancer is a blood assessment called PSA. It measures the amount of a protein called prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood. The assessment is not best though, even when used in multiple with a rectal exam. The complaint is that PSA screening can show the participation of cancer when there is nothing (men with an lengthened prostate or other soft conditions can have towering levels of PSA in their blood). The assessment can moreover blink the aggressiveness of cancer when it does discover it (2). That?s a reason because experts remonstrate about the efficiency of screening.

Scientists are now building new evidence technologies that will enable early, precise showing of prostate cancer ? such as using biomarkers that may be deliberate in blood or urine. PCA3 and Gene Fusion are two earnest biomarkers that are being researched due to their shut society with the participation of prostate cancer (3). Hopefully these biomarker tests will be able to fairly discover prostate cancer, but until this investigate becomes more robust, diagnosing the illness waste a challenge.

To Screen or Not to Screen

Those who encouragement PSA contrast quote studies that couple screening to a lessen in mankind from prostate cancer. They say that it?s best to discover assertive prostate cancer early on, when it?s simpler to provide (2, 4). They moreover note that deaths from prostate cancer have declined 4 times faster in the U.S. than in Britain given PSA screening was at large introduced in the United States. Currently, roughly 60 percent of men in the U.S. over 50 obtain screened for prostate cancer using the PSA test, vs. fewer than 10 percent of men in the U.K. (5).

Those who dispute against contrast say that census data that couple screening to decreased mankind are dubious and are the result of an enlarge in the diagnosis of low-risk cancers that aren?t fatal to start with. They moreover say the reject in mankind rates in the U.S. compared to the U.K. may be due to factors other than screening, inclusive not similar treatment practices and the larger use of hormone care in comparison men. Perhaps the many absolute argument against contrast is that screening can lead to not essential treatment for slow-growing tumors that would not have caused any complaint (4, 5). Treatments for prostate cancer ? that add operation and deviation ? can have serious, permanent effects, inclusive incontinence and impotence. A 2009 study of European men found that 48 men were diagnosed and treated with colour for any prostate cancer demise prevented (5, 6).

Know Your Risk Factors

Confused? You aren?t alone. Medical organizations give varying recommendation about screening. The American Cancer Society doesn?t suggest slight screening for men of median risk, nonetheless it does suggest discussing to your doctor about screening someday between the ages of 40 and 50, depending on your chance factors. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention considers the evidence deficient to establish either the benefits of screening transcend the harms.

A new study of 12,000 Swedish men sheds a few new light on the debate. The study suggests using an primary screening at age 45 to 50 to establish the number of future screenings. Men with really high PSA levels would obtain screened every year; the with low levels could wait for 5 years to obtain retested; and if PSA levels remained low, they could obtain their last assessment at age 60. The study needs to be replicated, but it suggests that many men may need only 3 screenings over their lifetime (6).

Until a more precise assessment is available, your best gamble is to pick up your chance factors for prostate cancer and then speak to your doctor about the pros and cons of PSA screening. Risk factors add age (after age 50, your chances of having prostate cancer enlarge significantly); racial credentials (African-American men are at aloft risk); and having a shut family associate with the disease; eating a diet high in rotund ? primarily animal fat.


While there is no surefire way to stop prostate cancer, investigate shows that diet and lifestyle changes may help lower your chance of getting the disease. Eat a low-fat diet abounding in fruits, vegetables and fish (7). Avoid eating more calories than you need, sustain a strong weight and confine your money coming in of red meat, processed beef and grilled meat. A 2011 study resolved that weekly expenditure of 3 or more servings of red meat, 1.5 or more servings of processed beef and a or more servings of grilled red meat, were any related with a 50 percent increased chance of building modernized prostate cancer (8). Use ethanol in mediation ? no more than two drinks a day for men (9). Consider adding soybeans, soy-based products and immature tea to your diet. Soybeans enclose chemicals that handle similar to the hormone estrogen, that may help stop prostate cancer. Green tea contains antioxidants that may help free-for-all cancer (9). And studies show that there may be a connection between incurable inflammation and prostate cancer. Both immature tea and soy products have anti-inflammatory belongings (10).

Learn more about Prostate Cancer Prostate Cancer


1. American Cancer Society

2. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

3. Johns Hopkins Health Alerts

4. Borofsky MS, Makarov DV. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) velocity: a assessment of argumentative gain in the period of increased prostate cancer screening. Asian Journal of Andrology. 2011; ad-vance online announcement (May 2011): 1-2.


6. Bloomberg News

7. Ma RW, Chapman K. A cmethodical examination of the outcome of diet in prostate cancer preven-tion and treatment. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. 2009;22(3):189-199.

8. John EM, Stern MC, Sinha R, et al. Meat consumption, in progress practices, beef muta-gens, and chance of prostate cancer. Nutrition and Cancer. 2011;63(4):525-537.

9. Mayo Clinic

10. Hsu A, Bray TM, Ho E. Anti-inflammatory wake up of soy and tea in prostate cancer preven-tion. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2010;235(6):659-667.

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