Sunday, January 8, 2012

Successful Credit Card Settlement ? How To Achieve A Successful Debt Settlement

Article by K D Garrow

Credit cards are a wonderful thing, but they can be a little too wonderful for many of us, when they make it all too easy to spend money we do not yet have. It is usually the cumulative effect of using several cards over a period of time that leads to the total debt gradually getting out of hand and becoming impossible to keep up with. Credit card debt has a nasty habit of reaching a point where it just keeps growing every month, even though you do not spend any more on the card. This puts further pressure on your finances, leading to further card spending, and so the cycle continues.It is not surprising then that there is a well established industry around successful credit card settlement. The basic principle of debt settlement is trying to reach agreements with card companies to write off a large part of the debt in exchange for a quick payment. When it comes to negotiating debt settlements, there are essentially two options open to you. Either you use a specialist company to carry out the negotiations on your behalf, or you do the negotiating directly yourself. There are merits to both routes, which I shall now explain.Negotiating with credit card companies is not as simple as phoning them up and trying to bargain with the person on the phone. If you have tried to do that you may have some idea how little success you are likely to have. It is perfectly possible to reach a successful credit card settlement, but you are going to need to help and advice if you are to have any chance of actually achieving the kind of settlements that a professional negotiator would manage to get.The advantage of doing the work yourself is that you do not have to pay a debt settlement company for their services. A good debt settlement company will only charge you a portion of whatever they manage to reduce your debts by, but that can still be a substantial amount of money. You may only need to invest a tiny fraction of that amount to get the help and advice you need to do that work yourself. Provided you achieve the same result, you will have saved quite a lot of money.The alternative of using a debt settlement company is certainly the most common choice for achieving successful credit card settlement, probably because it is a quick and easy option. The main advantage is clearly having someone on your side who knows how the card companies operate and understands how to take advantage of that knowledge. This information is used to maximum advantage in the negotiation process. Understanding when to ignore calls and when to offer a settlement can make the difference between being sued or getting 60% written off your debt.The larger and more established companies will already have working relationships with all the major card companies, which can help with reaching successful credit card settlements. If they are also representing lots of other people in your situation, that gives them a lot more negotiating power too, so they can get maximum discounts. Any debt settlement company will want to be paid for their work, though the best ones will only take a percentage of the amount they manage to get written off, so you can only end up better off. If you should decide to approach a debt settlement company, remember that not all companies are either effective or honest. You can steer clear of the risky ones by only going for reputable and well established organisations, and avoiding new companies or ones that cannot demonstrate a good track record. The easiest way to start is to follow recommendations for companies known to be reputable and reliable, and apply to a few of them. This puts you under no obligation to accept any offer from them, and provides you with the opportunity to see what you think of what each one proposes.

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