Aft?r leaving college, ??? ?f ?? wh?n w? ?r? ?n ??r youth, desire t? spread ??r wings. Aft?r spending many years ?n colleges ?n? universities f?r education w? wish a job th?t broadens ??r horizons ?n? give ?? a more comprehensive viewpoint ?f life. Travel ?n? leisure industry provides th? exact prospects t? fulfill ??r wishes.
Although travel ?n? leisure industry, ??k? ??? ?th?r sectors ?f th? economy, h?? taken a hit due t? recession, ?t ?? ?h?w?n? signs ?f recovery. Th?? industry requires a ???? f?r travelling, creativity, ???????nt communication skills ?n? ?n ability t? understand people ?n? th??r needs. Th? benefits ?f working ?n th?? industry ?r? ?t? lucrative pay structure based ?n performance, wide appeal ?n? a more creative ?n? fulfilling life. S? ?f ??? ?r? looking t? m?k? a career ?n th?? evergreen sector, a few career opportunities along w?th th??r requirements ?r? mentioned below.
Tour Operations ?n? Escorting Executive ? In th?? position ??? ?r? responsible f?r accompanying a group ?f travelers ?n? ensure th?t th?? h??? a satisfying experience during ??? points ?f th??r tour including travel, stay ?n? during visit t? actual destinations. Y?? ?h???? h??? a craving f?r travel, a ???? personality, ???? handling ?n? escorting skills ?n? strong nerves t? handle difficult ?n? unpredictable ground condition efficiently. Although ??m? institutes provide specialized courses f?r th?? course b?t ?ft?n companies looking t? recruit a tour operator ?? n?t look f?r specific degrees. H?w???r prior experience ?n similar position ?? greatly valued.
Travel Writer ? In th?? job ??? ?r? required t? write ?nt?r??t?n??? ?n? correctly f?r newspapers, travel magazines, travel guides ?n? travel websites. A? m??t ?f th? time ??? ?r? writing ?b??t ?n already well travelled ?n? well ????r?b?? destination, ?t ?? expected th?t ??? provide a fresh ???r???h t? th?m along w?th ?nt?r??t?n? anecdotes. A? travel writing involves ??m? strenuous journeys, ?? being well organized ?n? ability t? meet strict deadlines under pressure ?? desirable. Y?? m?? work ?? freelance ?r ?n a contractual basis. Th?? ?? a very competitive job ?? ??? m?? need t? h??? basic training ?n writing ?? well ?? travelling. S?m? large organization wh??? hiring ?t th?? position m??ht specify a degree qualification ?n communication, journalism ?r English ?? a basic requirement f?r th? job.
Flight attendants ? Here ??? work f?r ?n airline ?? member ?f ?n airline ?n order t? ensure safety ?n? comfort ?f passengers during flight. Y?? ?r? ???? required t? conduct cabin checks periodically, especially during night flights t? check ?n th? passengers, ?n? listen f?r ?n? unusual noises ?r situations. F?r getting th?? highly lucrative job ??? ?r? required t? undergo a mandatory training b? th? airline f?r a duration ?f six weeks t? six months depending ?n th? airline ?n? th? country ?f operation. A pleasing personality ?n? knowledge ?f additional languages ???? helps. S?m? airlines ???? h??? a height ?n? weight requirement.
Fitness trainers ? A? a fitness trainer ??? ?r? employed b? fitness trainers ?n? health clubs t? demonstrate various exercises t? th? clients ?n? h??? improve th??r organizing technique. Y?? ?r? ???? required t? motivate ?n? keep a record ?f th? client?s exercise regime. A? far ?? qualifications ?r? required ??? need t? h??? completed ???r schooling ?n? m??t h??? undergone a certification program.
Senior Hotel Staff ? whether ?t b? bar manager, maitre?d ?r general manager ?f th? entire hotel, increasingly Westerners ?r? being attracted t? job roles ?n hotels ?n places ?? varied ?? China ?n? Jamaica!? Th? role w??? typically involve th? same duties ?? ?t w???? ?n th? UK ?r th? US, b?t th? surroundings ?r? usually completely different!
industry ? jobs ? leisure ? Lucrative ? Travel
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