When you consolidate your student loan you?re combining all your debts with one lender with a much lower interest rate. The reason for a lower interest rate is that you get to pay off your debt for a longer period, sometimes up to 20 years.
Here?s where it can get very tricky, so it pays off to choose the right student consolidation loan company before you consolidate your debts. One of the most common mistakes students can make is consolidating their loans with the wrong lender. If you don?t read the fine print carefully you?ll end up paying more in interest because all you?re really doing is stretching out your payments over a longer period. If you calculate all the interest you?re paying it will end up higher than your current loan.
So it?s very important that you don?t consolidate your student loan with just any lender. You?ll need to get smart when selecting a lender because it?s your money and you don?t want to end up with a 20 year loan that you?re unhappy with. Here?s a few things you can look out for the next time you?re looking to consolidate your student loans.
1. Don?t sign up to anyone who asking for large upfront fees. If there?s any fees make sure you know what they are for.
2. Avoid consolidation lenders who try to rush you into signing up with them. You should take your time, look around and compare rates before you sign anything.
3. Get a check list of all the agreements before you sign. Don?t take anyone?s word or promises. Make sure that everything is on paper.
4. When you?ve found the right consolidation company make sure you check them out on the ?Better Business Bureau? and see if they?ve had any complaints. Nothing worse then a company who never delivers.
5. You?ll also need to check if the company accredited by the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counselling Agencies. This will ensure that they are allowed to consolidate your loan.
6. Last but not least ask if you can get a better rate or any special bonuses or offers available. It never hurts to ask sometimes companies are planing on running specials on the following week. So you don?t want to miss out on any savings you can get your hands on.
I hope these few tips will help you choose the right student consolidation loan company. All the best with your studies and hope you do well in class.
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Source: http://www.story-of-finance.com/choosing-the-right-student-consolidation-loan-company.html
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