If you've got just been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis or any different disease that limits your vary of motion, here's good news for you. There are a host of daily living assistance aids out there to assist you dress yourself. Our main focus in this text is the "Dressing Stick". The dressing stick is probably one amongst the foremost useful and basic dressing aids as a result of it works effectively for those with limited hand strength in putting on and initiating clothes, socks and even the challenging zipper.
Most makers' designs for the "Dressing Stick" feature wooden sticks coated with plastic with a c-hook at one end and a push/pull hook at the opposite end. The length ranges anywhere from 24 to 27 inches and are priced from $4.ninety five to $19.95. Below may be a temporary list of the descriptions and prices within the marketplace. Do your own comparative searching, keeping shipping (some only ship via UPS), specials and alternative discounts in mind and don't be fooled by high-finish prices. They all seem to be of equal quality, so why pay more than necessary without additional quality or a minimum of a lifetime guarantee. Take note that these same businesses conjointly carry several different dressing aids that you'll build sensible use of. There are button aids, pantyhose aids, permanent tie shoelaces and also the list goes on. Though Multiple Sclerosis comes with its limitations, you would like not be annoyed about dressing yourself at all. It's up to you to take advantage of these wonderful technologies and be very grateful for them. They were created for folks like yourself.
Are you hesitant regarding the "Dressing Stick"? Notice a lending closet nearby. A lending closet is sometimes equipped with various daily living aids like walkers, canes, wheelchairs, tub chairs, crutches, etc. for those who either cannot afford them or who need items for a short period of time. Someone in the community who once required to use them themselves has typically donated these items. If you cannot locate a lending closet nearby, call MSAA (Multiple Sclerosis Association of America) at one-800-532-7667. Raise regarding the Dressing Stick and other available living aids. Use all that is in place for those who suffer with Multiple Sclerosis.
Brucemedical.com carries a Dressing Stick for $7.95, order number KN335.
Dynamic-living.com carries a Dressing Continue Hook for $7.99, order range DL1202.
Wisent.com carries two types of dressing sticks: A 27inch one piece Dressing Stick with a c-hook and push/pull hook at $4.ninety five, order number 28575 and a twenty seven ? inch Collapsible Dressing Stick that breaks down into two - fourteen ? in. pieces, which is useful for travelers to pack at $12.95, order variety 28628. If you prefer paying with Paypal, you'll do thus at this site.
Lifehome.com carries a Dressing stick for $19.95.
Otstores.co.uk (For those living in the UK) carries a twenty four-in. wooden Dressing stick for ?3.51 (inc Vat) with a one-year guarantee.
Dailylivingproducts.com carries a 24 in. plastic coated Dressing Stick for $7.fifty, Item no: F738810001
Easierliving.com carries a twenty six inch plastic coated Dressing Stick for $6.00, order no. Sku 8202. Easier Living conjointly has amount pricing by the case.
Dorish Hill has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Diseases Multiple Sclerosis, you can also check out her latest website about: Maytag Washer Dryers Which reviews and lists the best Washer Dryer Combo Unit
Source: http://www.didarticles.com/Dressing-Yourself-Despite-Multiple-Sclerosis-184612.html
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