Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Blu-ray User: Nintendo 3DS Reiew (Part 1):

Having finally taken the plunge and purchased myself a Nintendo 3DS along with several 3DS games (as well as some games from the e-shop which has finally been opened) and played with the 3DS for a notable?amount?of time I am posting my review, or at least the first part of my review for the 3DS. ?The reason this is 'just' the first part of the review is that we have yet to see how well the gaming system will be utilized and thus this is more of a review for how good the system is in its current state (as it usually takes a two years or more for the potential of any game console to be?truly?known) and my expectations on what looks like will work and what looks as if it may not work, or simply currently is poor.
The Nintendo 3DS comes loaded with several 'features' which includes a Mii maker which is a cartoon digital you (which more or less is identical to the system found on the wii and?similar?to that on the 360). ?One new feature in this area is the ability to take a photo of ones face and have the 3DS create a Mii for you. ?Whilst this is great in idea, it doesn't have the greatest result (but then again I never expected it to either). ?More impressive is Face Raiders which allows one to take a photo of?any?face and play a mini game where you have to 'fight' of the 'evil' face by firing balls at it (I wont comment further on this) whilst saving past faces you have taking photos of with the 3ds. ?This is a neat mini-game which shows of both the quality of the 3d camera on the 3DS as well as the 'gyroscope'.??This feature allows one to play the game and control certain games by moving the 3DS. ?Think of the sixaxis?controls?on the Playstation 3, but more fleshed out and with the ability to also have visual implementation also being provided from the cameras on the 3ds. ?This is a good idea in?concept?but is at odds with the fact that when you move the 3DS the 3d image is?destroyed?as soon as you aren't looking directly at the image (the only way to avoid this is to move your body with the 3ds, which works sometimes, but at other times fells gimmicky and?unnecessary).

Of course one cannot start to review the 3DS without considering the much talked about Street Pass. ?What this does is allow for 3DS owners 3DS to communicate with other nearby 3DS consoles and gain exta Mii's from the other 3DS. ?This also unlocks unlockables in mini games, such as pieces of puzzles that the other 3DS had that yours didn't and the like. ?Whilst street pass is a nice addition it is also nothing special in its current form and will likely be forgotten by 3DS owners rather quickly unless significant advancments are made, as the?benefits?of the communication are minimal and it fells as a way for?Nintendo?to try and?increase?the?perceived?value of the system with minimal effort. ?Games have also utilized street pass with limited success that I personally found no value in outside of developers trying to use it as a replacement for online?multilayer with ghost data being transferred in racing games and the like.? ?Street Pass as one no doubt would suspect is not an acceptable?replacement?for online multiplayer. ?The 3DS thankfully does support online multiplayer, however outside of Super Street Fighter 4 it really has yet to be utilized (that?being?said Super Street Fighter 4 rarely had any lag and seemed to have numerous people playing at any given time).

Above image does not represent the true quality of Super Street Fighter 4 on the 3ds.

With that?being?said, upon loading up Super Street Fighter 4 I was welcomed with image quality that almost rivals that seen on the 360 and ps3, and thus far looks as if the 3DS is by far the best looking hand held gaming system that has yet been available. ?Of course it is hard to review the 3DS without considering the Playstation Vita (which is?tentatively?set to be released late this year). ?I personally have yet to see the Vita in person but from what we have seen of it thus far it looks as if it will clearly have the superior power and as a result graphics. ?That?being?said the 3d on the 3DS when used well helps the image look even better and help immerse you in the game more then when played in 2d. ?OF course when all is said and done, no matter how good a game looks the story and gameplay are the most important aspects of any game (though visuals always help immerse oneself in a game and the more?powerful?a?system?the less constrained developers are likely to be).

The biggest possible floor thus far,?despite?my love for 3D is that every 3DS title will likely have to be released in 3d. ?Which forces developers to utilize 3d, whether or no they wish to. ?This is not PC gaming where most games (even when?developers?put no thought into 3d) can be played in 3d with more then acceptable results. ?This is ?a hand held console where power is very limited and the taxing process of rendering two images is likely to effect the?development?of games moreso then on other full sized consoles and especially the PC. ?However so far aside from a lazy port (Rayman) the 3d in all the games I have tried has worked flawlessly and does not seem to have placed any constraints on the developers that is?noticeable?in the final product. ?The 3d has also not been gimmicky for the most part and has existed more to create a nice level of depth to help you immerse yourself in the games.

My biggest complaint thus far is the?pitiful?e-shop currently?available?in Australia with a small selection of games that are also overpriced there at the current moment is only one?redeeming?feature (which is the remake of Exictebike in 3d which is currently?available?for free). ?One other positive of the e-shop is the much improved interface from that seen on the wii and prior ds models, the e-shop interface however varies throughout the world so I can't speak for anywhere but Australia. ?The internet browser is also the same horrible browser from the previous ds consoles, which is a shame and something nintendo?definitely?should?address?although it is?doubtful?they ever will.

Whilst I hope this review hasn't dragged on it also has yet to scratch the surface of what the Nintendo 3DS may have to offer. ?With an impressive line up which includes Zelda?Ocarina?of time, Mario Kart, Luigi's Mansion 2, A Metal Gear Solid game, two Resident Evil games and with plenty more, it is likely the 3DS has plenty to offer almost any gamer. ?The hardware certainly does not look lie it will be limiting how good of a purchase this console it, rather it looks as if the quality of the console will be a result of whether the games set to be released live up to the hype surrounding them. ?When everything is said and done one may have a better idea, but based on the quality of the system and the promised quality of the games that are to be released (as well as what already has been released) the Nintendo 3DS is a great buy for anyone looking for a hand held console as the 3DS is shaping up to be one of the best hand held consoles yet. ?That being said those who prefer the line up of games for the Playstation Vita more then the 3DS game line-up and only intend to buy one of the hand held systems would be best to wait it out.

- ?Gabi

Source: http://www.blurayuser.com/2011/06/nintendo-3ds-reiew-part-1.html

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